‘The Complete Opposite of Everything’ is a story of two star-crossed university students, Adam and Yasmin, whose lives collide one day in a Beirut coffee shop.
Adam is a young man who never gets scared, and doesn’t cry. But, lately he can’t stop crying and his anxiety is reaching alarming levels. His friend Rami, who wants to party all the time, is no help. When he meets Yasmin, reconnecting with her roots in Lebanon, he is offered a life-line. Yasmin is living with General Anxiety Disorder, and understands what Adam is going through, even when he doesn’t. But can two people, both with minds that can’t be fully trusted, stay together?
Charlotte Hamaoui, Managing Director of the publisher Turning Point explains, “levels of student depression, anxiety and stress are at an all-time high. Shining a light on this reality is vitally important and we need to debunk the stigma surrounding mental health. The fact that the writer, Nour Abou Fayad, is a mental illness survivor, battling anxiety from the age of 21, adds a layer of authenticity to the novel.”
“This book had to be written, especially for Lebanon and the Middle East. When it all began for me, I researched and researched and I barely found anyone speaking out about it here. I truly believed I was the only person to have a mental illness and I never want anyone to feel as lonely, as afraid, and as lost as I did. I had to write it, not because I’m brave, but because I knew it was a duty,” says the author Nour Abou Fayad.
About the Author
Nour Abou Fayad is an NDU graduate finalizing a Master’s degree in English Literature. She is an outspoken mental health advocate, using her social media platforms to raise awareness and break the stigma surrounding mental illness. @completeoppositeofeverything, @nourinwonderland
About the Publisher
Turning Point is a boutique publishing house specializing in compelling novels, bubbly humour titles, empowering self-help books, rich coffee table books, colourful children’s books, and practical Lebanese guides. Our titles can be found in major bookstores in Lebanon, Dubai, and London, or online via Amazon and Antoine online. www.tpbooksonline.com
Published by Turning Point
Written by Nour Abou Fayad
320 pages
ISBN 978-9953-972-14-5
14 USD/21,000 LL
Available in all major bookstores
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