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Meet the influencers: Tracy Ghazal


Tracy Ghazal, Fashion blogger (Since 2012) and marketing manager at Supra Paints

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Current project: I am currently pursuing an MBA in marketing management at USEK while supporting my family business, Supra Paints, and part-time blogging on Instagram. 


How are you living your lockdown? 

I decided not to neglect what was already happening in my life and to make the most of my time by finishing up incomplete tasks from my work and to focus on self-care and wellness. Many people went through a hard time accepting the negative effects of Covid-19 and how suddenly everything was put on pause plus, the economic crisis and political tensions that Lebanon is already facing. I think we all have different mental reactions when bad things happen to us and that’s okay. The worst part was sleeping early and having anxiety for a few nights but meditation and yoga helped me so much. Even if I was waking up at noon, I stuck to a strict schedule to keep me from stressing out. I was eating healthy, working out, taking care of my skin, re-organizing my space, and, planning for the upcoming months.


From your active life, what do you miss the most?

I’m an introvert so I love to stay in! But I surely miss my social life, seeing my friends, going out for drinks, hitting the gym, attending events, and doing any other activity that I love!


What don't you miss?  

I don’t miss the traffic and the pollution which has been reduced during the lockdown period around the world. 


How do you think life will be after Corona?

I think we need to look at the bigger picture when it comes to Covid-19. We cannot predict what will happen exactly. The virus is affecting nations worldwide, economies, and our way of life. I’m an optimistic person and it’s the right time to re-assess every aspect of our life, how we do business, the way we spend our money and treat other people. If we tackle these issues, life will surely be better after this is all over.


A word of encouragement to our readers

Accept what’s happening but don’t let it demotivate you from moving forward with your life. Change is healthy, change is good and we must all embrace change to progress bigger and better!



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