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Les orphelinats x Ghida Younès





Beit El Fatat - Batha, La Maison St. Joseph - Ajaltoun, La Maison St. Vincent de Paul - Broumana, ainsi que Notre Dame du Rosaire - Achkout, sont quatre maisons d’enfants qui prennent en charge 316 orphelins et enfants défavorisés âgés entre 4 et 16 ans. Ces enfants ont besoin d’être nourris et vêtus. Ils ont besoin d’être au chaud et de vivre dans des conditions saines et hygiéniques. Vos donations, aussi minimes soient-elles feront une grande différence dans la vie de ces enfants. Merci de participer à leur joie. Nous comptons sur vous !


Contact : Gigi Massaad : +961 3767646 et Maria Fiani : +961 3359046




MyFatLady was born in 2013, the summer I started to lose my curves, and felt I was losing part of my identity. A true lady with a big personality and a matching attitude, she is my alter ego and is my tribute to roundness and women of all shapes and sizes. When we never seem satisfied with our bodies, MyFatLady celebrates her own in every pose she strikes and every doughnut she devours. Fearless and utterly light (in spirit) she will turn heads and create conversations wherever she goes.

“Since October 17th, MyFatLady has taken part at the heart of the revolution, as a true believer and passionate barer of the Lebanese flag and Lebanon’s uprising”.



Born in the village ofDeirkoubel in Lebanon, Ghida Younes had a childhood filled with a love of food. She had an interest in the Arabic language, andstarted her career as a teacher. Later, she moved into advertising, starting a job with Leo Burnett in Beirut in 1997 as an Arabic copywriter. She later became creative director of the Beirut office but in 2010, she left the company to pursue a screenwriting course at the New York Film Academy in New York after which she returned to Lebanon and produced her own TV show.  In 2013, she began working on the My Fat Lady series -her own special tribute to life in colours, full roundness and freedom in every woman’s own body.Her recent exhibitions include Tawlet, Beirut (2018) and Fann a Porter (December 2018). 

The artist lives in Beirut, Lebanon, and is a Creative Director at work, a storyteller at heart, a painter at play, and forever a food lover.



Instagram: @my.fat.lady




Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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