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Du 10/12/2024 à 11:00 jusqu'au 12/12/2024 à 16:00

Mise en place durant les jours de guerre, cette vente aux enchères est initiée par un groupe d’artistes ayant choisi de venir en aide à trois associations : Beit El Baraka, IRAP et Souk El Tayeb Group.

En un geste de solidarité, les œuvres d'art sont proposées à des prix inférieurs à leur valeur marchande et Artscoops ne prélèvera pas de prime. Chaque acquisition soutient les artistes, tout en contribuant à l'effort collectif de reconstruction et de survie.


Voir ici le catalogue


Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 11.00 am (GMT +2)



Thursday 12 December 2024 at 4:00 pm (GMT +2)

We are artists. It is war time.

Does war leave space for reflection? For art? For life? The abnormal and extraordinary have now become our normality. Like everyone else, terror has consumed our souls and uncertainty made us haggard. Our country is ablaze.

We close our eyes to tears and ashes.

The rubble has swallowed street corners, left houses derelict and obliterated memories.  Witnessing the shattered lives of displaced souls and the weight of their suffering, we feel worn down by pain for our incendiary land.

But as long as pure hearts strive, we can catch the light.

There will be light.

Adlita Stephan

The beneficiary associations, renowned for their active and dedicated work in alleviating the distress of thousands of individuals, are:

1. Beit El Baraka: Since 2019, this association has provided vital assistance to Lebanese families in financial difficulty, securing food, housing, education and medical care for them. In response to the current crisis, they have expanded their aid to include those displaced by the devastation. Funds will support the creation of mobile washrooms to address health concerns in temporary shelters. Designed initially for refugee communities, these washrooms will be repurposed for public spaces, beaches, or natural reserves post-reconstruction. LAU University is launching a call among its students to design a prototype, with a prize for the winning team. The prototype design should include sustainable features, such as solar power and eco-friendly drainage systems.

2. IRAP: This institute specializes in the educational support and social integration of children and young people with hearing impairments. True to its ethos of ‘Man is at the service of Man’, particularly for the most deprived - the marginalized - IRAP has integrated displaced children affected by war into their classes, offering them the necessary tools to overcome trauma and adapt to their new environment. A portion of the funds will be allocated to tailor an adapted teaching program for these children’s diverse educational needs.

3. Souk El Tayeb Group: This group is assisting displaced individuals via Matbakh El Kell, supporting local farmers through the Dekkenet program and encouraging the development of individuals or communities by the Capacity Building Program (CBP). They are working on a zero-waste farm project in Akkar with multiple objectives: empowering marginalized youth and caregivers (ages 18–35), with a special focus on those who are not in school and unemployed; training up to 2,000 individuals in a zero-waste community farm; revitalizing local agriculture; promoting environmental sustainability; and ensuring self-sourcing of goods from the farm, which should be utilized in their charity’s food programs.

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