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Vernissage: 05/04/2024 à 17:00

Du 06/04/2024 à 11:00 jusqu'au 29/05/2024 à 18:00

On the Human Comedy" delves into an exploration, intertwining Dante Alighieri's timeless narrative "The Divine Comedy" with our contemporary world. The title's irony, referencing comedy's traditional definition—a narrative leading to a happy resolution—juxtaposed against today's grim reality, challenges our perceptions and prompts a reevaluation of conventional narratives and existential paradoxes.


Depictions of the Afterlife, recurrent in ancient texts and contemporary literature, resurface during crises. The exhibition features Salvador Dalí's illustrations of "The Divine Comedy" alongside works by Ayman Baalbaki, Chaza Charaeddine, Abdulrahman Katanani, Rabih Mroué, and Rayyane Tabet. Together, these artworks bear witness to humanity's moments of defeat.


Amidst this exploration, we recognize the privilege of engaging in such reflection from positions of safety, denied to many. It serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility to confront the harsh realities of our world and advocate for those who lack such privilege.


Fifty nine original woodprints from copy n: 55 of Dali’s "Divine Comedy" are on display, courtesy of collector Ghassan Al Maleh. This project is made possible thanks to the support of the Embassy of Spain in Lebanon.

LieuMina Image Center

AdresseBeirut, Port, rue Darwish Haddad, Imm Stone Gardens


Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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