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Du 30/07/2022 à 16:00 jusqu'au 31/07/2022 à 16:00

*Nihatha* is an interactive, in situ sound and visual installation on the site of the Niha Temple, 8 km from Zahlé.

Kinda Hassan, sound designer, gathers around her Walid Abdelnour (videographer), Rabih Gebeile (composer, sound artist), Layla Haoui (3D mapping), Mr Stock (Audio System Design) and Hadi Choueri (playwright, archaeologist) to create a lived, relational, imagined space, inspired by the divine feminine (the temple is also dedicated to Atargatis, goddess of water, destiny and fertility), and the Tyche found on the site -  goddess of fortune, of blind and arbitrary blows of destiny - all too familiar nowadays. 

The artists have reconstructed a divinatory device, a contemporary oracle, amplified by the temple’s natural reverberation, in resonance with the stakes of the site. 


The visitors asks their question. The oracle, and all of nature on the site, respond to it, in sounds, voices, signs, with a margin of interpretation and co-creation which makes the questioner become a poetic actor of the place and its vestiges.



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