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Collective Exhibition


Du 29/08/2021 à 17:00 jusqu'au 29/09/2021 à 17:00

Post colonialism and the search for identity brings together nine artists and their works conceived, in order to express the local and international situation of humanity. In their multidisciplinary practice, they look at the displacement and oppression faced by minorities. Post colonialism, the historical period or state of affairs representing the aftermath of Western colonialism is reevaluated by the artists. 


They intent to reclaim and rethink the history and the status of people subordinated under various forms of imperialism. They express the loss of identity and the infinite search for a belonging. They also explore the kind of dreams, hallucinations and psychological symptoms endured by the affected populations. The term “Post colonialism” signals a possible future of overcoming colonialism, yet new forms of domination or subordination, including new forms of global empires, are witnessed in the early 21st century…


To express this issue, the artist’s are keen on bringing a new form of identity, one that is in constant change, always shifting, in order to make it harder for the occupying forces to steel it, own it or change it, a state that together we have titled as “Paradoxical Identity”.

Selected artists have shown interest in the nomadic approach of civilizations and especially human movement and fluctuant populations. It inspires them to visualize locations through city facades, collage layers as well as their loyalty to themselves through anatomy study of correlated bodies. Intentional hallucinations interact between reality and a virtual that describe ways of imagining the nation outside and beyond conflict, while searching for a sense of self and the memory of the body. In continuous interaction and dialogues between the artists and Minus Two Art Gallery, this exhibition was born as a proposition of a possibility to question the postcolonial present and the search for identity.



LieuMinus Two Art Gallery

AdresseBeit Meri


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