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Du 28/02/2024 à 00:00 jusqu'au 08/03/2024 à 00:00

After the success of Allo, Beirut? opened at Beit Beirut (public museum) for 9 months and gathering more than 42 000 visitors and 50 partners from the cultural and journalistic scene, we believe it is time to think and implement “Allo, Trablos?”. 


Thought for the General Public in an attempt to offer better access to Culture for all and led by Lebanese activists, artists, and journalists (based or from Tripoli), this multidisciplinary project - free entrance - will deal with social changes, arts, investigative journalism, social justice, and education. Its innovative approach combines investigative documentation with sensory and immersive experiences, utilizing art and journalism to foster a sense of belonging, peacebuilding, social cohesion and to question the past in order to build a collective vision for a better Lebanon and a better Tripoli. In the past, Tripoli was known as "The City of Knowledge and Scholars"; in 2024, it will become the Arab capital of culture for 2024. The Lebanon’s largest city with cinemas is nevertheless receiving today constant negative media attention. 


“Allo, Trablos?” will attempt to deconstruct these stereotypes by providing a more realistic portrait of Tripoli history and its cultural, political, economic, and social life. The exhibition and its cultural program will provide a rich array of cultural and artistic events at the heart of the city of Tripoli and hopefully will create attraction from all over the country to visit the city. Planned to launch next Autumn 2024, Allo, Trablos? is organized by Warche 13 in partnership with the Task Force for Tripoli.


As part of Allo, Trablos?, we will engage the general public to rethink Tripoli and to dig into its memory, by giving citizens a voice. Thought as a community engagement project, the Tripolitans Voices Initiative consists in implementing, in different tripolitans neighbourhoods, audio booth sessions in public spaces. For a dedicated time, bystander will be able to share on mic in the Allo Trablos Van, their souvenirs of Tripoli for the oldest generation, their stories about the civil war or their thoughts, fears and hopes for the city. 


The content of these “open mic” will be used in different ways : - recollecting the oral memory of the city and preparing sound installations for the exhibition - bringing thoughts about “Tripoli of today”, that will be available for the artists of Allo, Trablos? In order to engage people to join, we will have a set up next to the van to welcome bystanders : few chairs with a table, backgammons, etc. A coffee street vendor will also offer coffee to the crowd to welcome them toward the studio. A project organized by Allo, Trablos? x Warche 13, in partnership with Shift x Shadda Media Lab, Ruwwad and the Taskforce for Tripli and funded by the British Council.




From Feb 28 to March 8 From 10 am to 4 pm 

Feb 28, Wednesday: Sahet Noor 

Feb 29, Thursday: City Complex 

March 1, Friday: Azmi - Champs Elysée Shop 

March 2, Saturday: Al Tall - Abdel Nasr Square 

March 3, Sunday: Al Mina - Knesse Mar Gerios 

March 4, Monday: Zahrieh - Serail Al Atia 

March 5, Tuesday: Qobbeh - Hawouz & Jabal Mohsen - next to Green Resto 

March 6, Wednesday: Malleha 

March 7, Thursday: Bab el Ramel - al Moussa Cafe 

March 8, Friday: Al Mina - Boueb Chiraa




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