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Activate Disaster : Virtual Dramatic Reading


04/12/2020 à 20:00

A virtual dramatic reading of reflections written by members of the Emergency and Anesthesiology Departments at AUBMC on their personal experience of the Mass Casualty Response of August 4th.


The reading will be followed by a talkback session with Dr. Eveline Hitti, Dr. Sarah Abdul Nabi, Dr. Carine Zeeni and Dr. Amin Antoine Kazzi in addition to Dr. Dinah Ayna, a Clinical Psychologist who responded to the Emergency Department of AUBMC on the night of the Beirut explosion.


Conceived and directed by Sahar Assaf 

Art Director: Ghida Hashisho 

Performers (in order of appearance):

Dima Al Ansari

Nazha Harb

Wafa'a Celine Halawi

Sany Abdul Baki 


All Are Welcome, No Need for Registration

Please join us using the following link:





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