Discussion19/06/2023 à 18:00
In 1962, artist Farid Belkahia (1934-2014) assumed the directorship of the Casablanca School of Fine Arts, collaborating with a group of artists and teachers including Mohamed Melehi (1936-2020), Mohamed Chabâa (1935-2013), and Mohamed Hamidi (1941). Their goal was to restructure the art teaching foundation and revive Morocco's popular and traditional artistic heritage by integrating artisanal crafts into the institution's programs. This movement aimed to cultivate a distinct artistic and cultural modernity specific to Morocco.
This presentation seeks to capture the creative inspiration that emerged during the period between 1962 and 1971. It will explore the artists' and students' enthusiastic engagement in art experimentation, discourse production, and public exhibitions. Moreover, it will examine the transformative influence of the school and its enduring legacy on Moroccan art to this day.
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