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The Hand that Prints, 2nd edition


Du 02/12/2021 à 17:00 jusqu'au 30/12/2021 à 17:00

Artlab, in partnership with Beirut Printmaking Studio, is glad to host the 2nd edition of “The Hands that Print” exhibition. This show is the culmination of the scholarship holders' one year apprenticeship with the studio in learning different printmaking techniques.

These participants were selected through an open call for one year and learnt the many different printmaking techniques such as burin, drypoint, roulette, aquatint and aquaforte. Their program was fully covered by the studio with the help of “Solidarity with Beirut Printmaking Studio” program, headed by Sabine Delahaut and Jean-Michel Uytersproot, through many actions in Europe to raise funds for the purchase of the materials needed.

Also included in this show, are prints generously donated by more than 120 artists to support the studio and the scholarship and residency programs.

All of proceeds from the sales of artworks exhibited, will go towards funding the Class of 2022 one-year apprenticeship in Beirut Printmaking Scholarship Program with the studio. Some of the 2021 graduates will continue with the studio not only as printmakers but also as studio assistants teaching the new generations of printmakers to come.

Lieuartlab Beirut

AdresseGemayzeh - rue Gouraud


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