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Open Call


Du 20/11/2021 à 00:00 jusqu'au 15/12/2021 à 00:00

Open Call – ARTLAB & British Council Lebanon

ARTLAB has just partnered up with British Council Lebanon on the initiative CATAPULT. We are extending the deadline to our Open Call and enlarging the scope of our work.

CATAPULT is a talent development program initiated by British Council’s arts and Culture department in collaboration with existing hubs in several creative sectors.
CATAPULT.Visual’Arts is a 5-days empowerment programme that aims at equipping 10 emerging visual artists, working with different analog mediums, with the necessary capacities to move forward with their career and ensure sustainability. It will culminate in the presentation of 10 3-week exhibitions at ARTLAB. The initiative will cover the logistics fees ($250) andt will grant each selected artist a fee in the amount of $350. It will also offer exchange possibilities with the UK.

Deadline to apply: EXTENDED TO 5/12/21
Selection announcement: EXTENDED TO 15/12/21
First exhibition: 07/01/22

Terms and Conditions:
- Artist is expected to commit and engage in the 5-days programme.
- Artists of any nationality are eligible as long as they reside in Lebanon.
- Managing the show and the transactions is the responsibility of the artist.
- Curation, promotion, and display is the responsibility of ARTLAB.
- No sales commission will be taken by ARTLAB.

- The applications will be reviewed by a selection committee. The members of the committee (who might request an interview with the selected candidates before issuing a final decision) will be announced with the selected artists.
- Successful applicants will receive confirmation email and the results will be published on social media platforms.
- Signing the contract and agreeing on the exhibition month will happen in the week following the announcement.

To apply:
Send an email to with one consolidated PDF (Up to 20MB) with a short bio (200 words), artist statement (200 words), up to 10 previous works and series and the body of work being proposed for the exhibition.

Lieuartlab Beirut

AdresseGemayzeh - rue Gouraud


Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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Conçu et développé parN IDEA

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