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Now, They Know..., Móyòsóré Martins


Du 28/09/2023 à 18:00 jusqu'au 12/10/2023 à 18:00

«He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior» says an old wisdom by Confucius. In that sense, the journey that is most enriching is the one that delves into the self, and the greatest art is often the product of an inner battle. Cezanne, Picasso, and Basquiat are amongst great painters whose magnificent art was the product of a «creatively destructive» process.


From this same artistic lineage comes Móyòsóré Martins: every painting is a profound journey into his inner battle, every brushstroke becomes a daring thrust and every scratch inflicts a wound, only to artfully reconstruct anew. It is in Móyòsóré Martins’ unwavering authenticity that this deeply personal voyage resonates with all those who dare to «see» within. I hope these artistic jewels will open your eyes like they opened mine, and tempt you to embrace vulnerability, to be exposed and to be «seen». Then you would know. Now, they know... Mazen Soueid.


Galerie Tanit Beirut and Teal Contemporary are pleased to present, for the first time in Lebanon, a solo exhibition by artist Móyòsóré Martins. 


Now, They Know… is on view at Galerie Tanit Beirut from September 28, 2023 to October 12, 2023. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 11am to 7pm and Saturdays from 12pm to 5pm. 

LieuGalerie Tanit

AdresseGemmayzé, rue Mar MikhaelGéolocalisation


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