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Vernissage: 18/07/2024 à 19:00

Du 19/07/2024 à 10:00 jusqu'au 01/08/2024 à 19:00

« Dimensions » is a trip
it is an intimate photography exhibition that summarises the impressions of a
traveller from across Africa and the Middle East. It is a selection of photographs in
the form of a photo story that allow visitors to immerse in social, environmental
and cultural dimensions which the artist has had the chance to experience first
hand and thus to interpret through his lens and explore a unique perspective on
humans, on nature, on traditions, on animals and the underwater realm.
Opening is on 18 July at 7 pm and the exhibition continues on display until the 1st
of August

LieuDar al Mussawir

AdresseHamra, Wardieh


Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

© 2025 Agenda Culturel. Tous droits réservés.

Conçu et développé parN IDEA

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