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Du 18/07/2023 à 17:00 jusqu'au 24/07/2023 à 17:00

Rebirth Beirut is pleased to present “Bird’s Nest”, a solo exhibition by Amal Geara Kamar opening on Tuesday 18th July 2023 from 5 to 8pm at Rebirth Beirut’s cultural space. The exhibition features a variety of artworks from paintings to sculptures and China ink.

Amal has been living in France since 1976 where she devoted her time to painting and sculpture.
Amal’s artworks have been exhibited in solo and collective exhibitions in France (14 exhibitions) and the UK (2 exhibitions) as well as in Lebanon, where she last exhibited in 2015. The main subjects of her paintings are inspired by speed and dynamism: running, choreography, bullfights, golf, polo and hunting.


The exhibition will run until 24th July 2023 from 4 to 8pm (closed on Sunday).

LieuRebirth Beirut Space, Gemmayzeh

AdresseGemmayzeh, rue Gouraud, Imm Wakf el Roum


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