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Zoukak Sidewalks - The Festival 2020


Du 01/11/2020 à 15:00 jusqu'au 15/12/2020 à 15:00

Zoukak Sidewalks - the Festival 2020 / Radical Stages 
1 November - 15 December 

Zoukak Sidewalks-the festival 2020 is coming soon!

Despite the exceptional moment of pandemic, travel restrictions, local economical collapse and political crisis, and after the explosion of Beirut’s port, this edition of Zoukak Sidewalks-the festival 2020 is an attempt to join radically altogether our presences in the city.

As this year events impacted our mobility and ability to focus on our practices, we decided to anchor our approach during this edition in our own work, with our peers, within our local context, and to open spaces of discussions with local and international artists and practitioners. 

And as a manifestation of a collective act in the city, several local cultural organizations joined our invitation to create a collective space of action. This gave birth to the creation of #Hawader initiative joining artistic organizations in Lebanon, creating a space and time, here and now, for collaboration, collective curation, dialogue and mutual support. 

This year Zoukak the festival's program includes: 

- 2 live representations of “I Hate Theatre and I love pornography” by Zoukak

- A Radio tour of “Perform Autopsy”

- An E-masterclass: introductory session on the techniques of devising theatre plays based on the experience of "Perform-Autopsy"

- The launching of “Silk Thread” publication

- An Assembly bringing together audiences and practitioners to face, influence and accompany radical changes.

Stay tuned for more details!




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