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Work (Not) in-progress


21/04/2022 à 20:30

For seven months, Zico House has been dusting off the greatest moments of its 27 years of activity. As part of this historical project, Hassane Choubassi is invited to present “Work (Not) in-progress” on 21/04/2022 at 8:30 pm. 


This lecture will be the retrospective of the non-accomplished works by the artist since Khamriyat El-Choubassi, his debut exhibition at Zico House in April 2001. It will deal with a set of “in-progress” trials that led to nothingness, showcasing development of the artist's “non-work” over a period of 21 years.

LieuZico House

AdresseSanayeh, rue SpearsGéolocalisation


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