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Semaine de l'Orgue au Liban : Eugenio Maria Fagiani


16/04/2021 à 19:30

Eugenio Maria Fagiani performing an Italian repertoire on the Tamburini organ at Our Lady of Louaize monastery, Zouk Mosbeh. Soprano Lara Jokhadar joins him along with selected members of the Notre Dame University Choir.

This concert is generously sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute.


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Eugenio Maria Fagiani


Renowned internationally for his impressive, enthralling and vibrant musical language, the Italian organist Eugenio Maria Fagiani performs regularly on the most important instruments in Europe, Russia, Middle East and Northern America such as Notre Dame de Paris (F), Berlin’s Dom (D), St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York (US), Tchaikovsky’s Great Hall in Moscow (RU), the Royal Albert Hall in London (UK), Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore in Firenze (I), the Hofkirche St. Leodegar in Luzern (CH), the St. James Anglican Cathedral in Toronto (CDN), the Skt. Florian Stiftsbasilika (A), the National Center for the Arts Weiwuying di Kaohsiung (TWN).

Besides his activity as a soloist, he holds a long term collaboration with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano La Verdi (since 2010) and the Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini (since 2020), and has been directed by eminent conductors as Jeffrey Tate, Riccardo Chailly, Xian Zhang, Claus-Peter Flor, Chien Wen-pin, Patrick Fournillier, Stanislav Kochanovsky, John Axelrod, Missak Baghboudarian, Jader Bignamini, Giuseppe Grazioli, Jens Georg Bachmann and Alpesh Chauhan. Celebrated as “the wizard of improvisation”, he’s also a fine composer. His works are now part of the repertoire of some of the most prestigious artists of our time as David Briggs and Stephen Tharp.

Since 2008 he is the Organist of the Franciscan Shrine of La Verna, Arezzo (IT). Eugenio is the Artistic Director of the Festival Internazionale di Musica d’Organo de La Verna and the Festival Organistico “S.Donato” in the Arezzo’s Dome, and also since 2016 the Artistic Advisor of the Terra Sancta Organ Festival, across the Middle-East region, organized by the Custody of the Holy Land. He is invited to hold masterclasses (both in Interpretation and Improvisation) and lectures for several top-class music institutions around Europe and North America such as the Cambridge University Organ Scolar’s Forum (UK), the RCCO, Toronto (CDN).

He is also invited to serve as juror in major international competitions. He records with: VDE-Gallo, Spektral Records, Fugatto, Da Vinci and Decca. These productions have received flattering reviews, as well quite a few prizes, from the major international specialized magazines.






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