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Du 13/05/2023 à 16:30 jusqu'au 14/05/2023 à 16:30

Join us for an unforgettable two-day event, REEF in Hammana, in partnership with Hammana Artist House and in collaboration with SPNL (Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon), on May 13th and 14th. This event celebrates environmental, cultural, and cinematic experiences, and we invite you to come along for the ride!
On the afternoon of Saturday, May 13th, we invite you to visit and explore the Hammana Artist House, followed by an open public discussion on "the impacts and challenges of culture in rural areas" at 5:00 PM. At night, there will be a public screening of Lebanese rural and environmental short films awarded in festivals, followed by a Q&A session.
Sunday, May 14th, will feature a moderate hike in collaboration at Hima Hammana in collaboration with SPNL, exploring bird watching, followed by a birds photo presentation by Chadi Saad at Hammana Artist House.


Places are limited, so please make sure to reserve your spot. For more information and reservations, please reach out to us at / +961 76 907 348.
We hope you can join us for this unique event, and we look forward to seeing you there!



Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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