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30/06/2022 à 20:30

The performance “Raining Rocks” is the end result of Beirut Contemporary Ballet’s Bedrock-01 project - a three months concentrated training program for young dance artists. 


“Raining Rocks” is a collection of 8 shorter dance works that feature the involved artists as both dancers and as choreographic artists - this is in reality the final exam of Bedrock. Together the works will reflect the tools and knowledge that have been conveyed over 3 months. “Raining Rocks” is a unique opportunity to see the rich spectrum of choreographic possibilities and to discover the tools of dance creation. 


.. Understanding that having the audacity to be at the mercy of an audience is a point of power, a place of strength for the performer. We show our willingness to commit and reveal - and without that open embrace from the performer the audience will not surrender and accept to see. The honesty of the body is at the core of performing dance. Showing vulnerability, and actually being vulnerable is not a weakness in the performance. This is where the performer can peel off layers and be the mirror that we are holding up to the audience ..


Each artist has created their own unique work and gets to show their choreographic ideas and language, but they are also involved in choreographic works that are created collectively by the artists and the BCB team. These collective works are all based on singular choreographic concepts such as partnering, group work and solo performance: 


The works 

- First Encounter / An opening Act (danced by all dancers - in silence with introductory words) 

- Zahra (by Lilia Hajj danced by all 4 dancers) 

- Chorus (Ensemble by all 4 dancers) 

- Anyway you don’t really need to understand (by Khatchig Kajajian danced by himself) 

- Talking to that fourth wall ( Solo performance by each of the 4 dancers) 

- Aleqoun (by Moutassem eljaramani danced by all 4 dancers)

- Too Young to die ( by Denise Yaacoub danced by all 4 dancers) 

- Domestic Disturbance ( Duets danced by all 4 dancers)


Duration: 8 Works - 45 minutes

Trainers / Choreographers 

Jana G. Younes

Wafa Bouti 

Jens bjerregaard

Elodie Rose Shwendener

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