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Du 19/04/2024 à 20:30 jusqu'au 28/04/2024 à 22:30

Chaque Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi et Dimanche jusqu'au 28 avril 2024

The parents went out for a walk to the front lines in Downtown Beirut to visit their fighting son, not caring about the dangers of kidnapping, sniping, or bombing. There, they meet a fighter from the enemy side and he becomes their prisoner. His hostility soon turns into a friendly and loving relationship, as the two fighters are alike and no one wants war. This play, inspired by Arabal, which was rewritten and directed by the great playwright Raymond Gebara in 1999, condemns wars, their absurdity, the killing of innocents, and all forms of violence, in a harsh, sarcastic and poetic language at the same time. The situations, which are not devoid of humor, arouse in the viewer amazement and conflicting feelings between laughter and crying, sadness and joy. Re-presenting the play “picnic on the front lines” in times of war, is nothing but a tribute to the genius of a playwright whose works delve into the absurd and painful reality of man, for there is no salvation for man according to Gebara, except with love and peace. Among his famous sayings: “The boy who draws a bird cannot kill it when he grows up, and therefore it is impossible for him to kill his fellow man.”

LieuThéâtre Monnot


PRIXde 15$ à 30$



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