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Du 05/04/2024 à 20:30 jusqu'au 07/04/2024 à 20:30

This year, we started experimenting with Kawalis, our training program, by creating a tailored training that leads to a performance, with a group of selected actors and devisers.

We’ve had similar experiences in the past while teaching internationally at universities and in various theaters, so we’ve decided to develop this model and test it in ideal conditions at our theatre, providing more time than usual. For the past two months, 16 young theatre practitioners were trained by Zoukak’s artistic directors on directing, acting, writing, while collectively devising a performance. 

We hope you will enjoy the result of this experiment. We look forward to seeing you among our audience at Pinocchio! 


Pinocchio is the story of a boy born to his father - a Failed Suicide, and his mother -  War. Growing up in the rubble of a city destroying itself while thinking it’s reconstructing itself, Pinocchio is the story of a boy, told through friends he meets. Friends who thought it was their mistake to exist, who thought they were the Big Lie, until the moment they found out that under the rubbles, where they thought their heart was, their mother had left a corpse with no beating heart. Where is the hero who saved the city? Where are the homes that will keep us home? Where is the sweetness of Arak, and the bitterness of thyme that will bring back the lost son? Where are the sons and daughters who promised reconstruction, revolution, but also peace, and serenity? Nothing happened here… nothing happened here… nothing happens in this play; and there is nothing to see. 


Join us at Zoukak Theatre on March 29th, March 30th, and March 31st, April 5th, April 6th, and April 7th, 2024 at 8: 30 PM. The performance is for 14 year olds and above. For reservations, please visit Ihjoz here. The entrance fee is "pay as you can"! 


Conceived and produced by Zoukak Theatre 


Directed by Omar Abi Azar 


Trainers and devising coaches: 

Lamia Abi Azar 

Omar Abi Azar 

Mohamad Hamdan 

Junaid Sarieddine 

Maya Zbib 


Devising and performing team:

Abbass Sabbah

Abi Carroll

Ali Al Samra

Amani Hamdan

Aya Abi Haidar

Fatima Meroueh

Hassan Aqqoul

Jana Mghames

Marie Therese Ghosn

Romario Akiki 

Salma Alftaih Alcheikh

Sandra Abdelbaki

Wissam el Khechen

Yara ِAl Khoury

Yassin Al Boukhari

Zainab Meroueh


Technical Director and Light Designer: Antonella Rizk 

Assistant Director and Stage Manager: Jana Bou Matar

Sound Designer: Ziad Moukarzel

Poster Designer: Maya Chami


Zoukak executive and communication team 

Executive Manager: Karma Baalbaki

Programs Officer: Jana Bou Matar

Production and Operations Manager: Ghiwa Haiby 

Communication Officer: Sandra Abdelbaki 

Venue Officer:  Sarjoun Sarieddine

Admin and Finance Officer: Jean Himo


Zoukak Technical Team

Logistician: Hussein Al Hammoud - Ezzo  

Technical Director: Antonella Rizk

Technical Officer: Taher Salloum



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