ConférenceDu 16/09/2022 à 18:00 jusqu'au 14/10/2022 à 18:00
Studies have shown that mindfulness is an excellent program to address daily and accumulated stress and enhances wellbeing and cognitive skills, reducing anxiety and depression while boosting happiness and creativity.
Many multinationals (Google, SAP, etc.), universities and professions ( doctors, lawyers, business) have integrated “mindfulness” in their development programs to boost the mental health and productivity of their employees.
Please join the valuable course titled “Mindfulness to the Power 5”
organized by David Matta, MA in Mindfulness-Based Approaches from Bangor University in the UK and Diploma in mindfulness at work from Oxford University.
The course is spread over 5 mandatory sessions and 3 follow up sessions that you can take virtually with community mindfulness practitioners throughout the year.
The course is conducted every Friday starting September 16th from 6 - 8pm
Place: Antwork - Kantari
The cost is a sliding scale.
Channel: Hybrid (F2F and virtual)
Please click the link to get more information and to register: