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Mexposition Libanesa


Du 02/12/2020 à 18:30 jusqu'au 29/01/2021 à 18:30

The Embassy of Mexico in Lebanon, in collaboration with the Cervantes Institute in Beirut, is pleased to inform you that the exhibition “Mexposition Libanesa”, work of the students of Graphic Design and Visual Communication of the Lebanese University, will be held from the 2nd of December 2020 until the 29th of January 2021, at the premises of the Cervantes Institute and the lobbies of the Beirut Digital District.


This event that commemorates the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Lebanon strengthens the joint efforts between the Lebanese youth and the cultural institutions of both countries.   


The opening of the event will take place on the 2nd of December at 18:30 at the Cervantes Institute and the BDD lobbies, Bechara el Khoury street

LieuInstituto Cervantes

AdresseBechara el Khoury, Rue Yazigi, Imm BDD 1075Géolocalisation

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