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I will be leaving in autumn


13/01/2022 à 21:00

We are delighted to exceptionally open our doors to host @samandalcomics for a live drawing concert. For those who don’t know, the comic book, in its present day form, is regarded as an imported medium to the Arab world. Samandal (Salamander in Arabic), a quarterly tri-lingual magazine based in Lebanon, collects and publishes comics from the region and abroad with the aim of providing a platform for the alternative expression of cultural and social issues for youths and adults.

Music by Aya Metwalli, drawings by Carla Habib & Carla Aouad.

It’s free entrance, and limited capacity with an emphasis on safe social distancing. First come first served, doors open at 9PM.

LieuThe Ballroom Blitz

AdresseBeirut, KarantinaGéolocalisation


Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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