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Visites Guidées

09/04/2022 à 14:00


Date : Saturday 9 April 2022

Time: 2pm

Place: Dar el-Nimer

Language: English


The visit is free of charge - Booking is required.

Number of participants is limited.

Health mask required.

Registration: (78) 959670 ;


The tour will be guided by the artist.

With this exhibition, Michel Zoghzoghi urges his visitor to examine the relationship between “man” and the animal world. In 1928, Henry Beston (1888 –1968) writes in his book ‘The Outermost House’: “They are not brethren, they are not underlings: they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.” These words have become a statement to the artist, one that demands urgent action in the face of a dramatic and deteriorating situation.

This exhibition, to be experienced as a journey, calls our attention to the beauty of endangered species. Whether at dusk or dawn, solitary or with the pride, polar bears, tigers, lions, here lie majestic, masters of their own kingdoms.

Since the beginning of his photographic journey, Michel Zoghzoghi chose to raise awareness by capturing the beauty of earth’s remaining wilderness. He shows us the perfect harmony and balance of nature to make us understand what is being lost. The unchecked development of modern civilizations has called everything into question. Man has become the alpha predator, but unlike other predators he doesn’t guard the balance, he threatens it. Marine Bougaran


About the Artist

Michel Zoghzoghi has been a wildlife photographer for 15 years. From the tigers of India to the polar bears of the Arctic, from the mesmerizing landscapes of Africa to the great white sharks of the Southern Oceans; he has travelled the world driven by an urgent need to immortalize the vanishing beauty our planet still has to offer.

Zoghzoghi’s work has been exhibited in Lebanon, France, the United Kingdom and the UAE. He also published numerous books and has won several awards.


LieuDar el-Nimer

AdresseAmerica Street, Clemenceau 113-6412 Beirut, LebanonGéolocalisation

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