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Emancipstion, WISSAM MELHEM


Du 19/06/2020 à 00:00 jusqu'au 18/07/2020 à 00:00

Art on 56th Gallery

is reopening its doors with social distancing measures and has the pleasure
of inviting you to the Opening of the exhibition
"Emancipation" by artist WISSAM MELHEM. Curated by Maie El-Hage
Opening: Friday, June 19, from 12noon to 7pm
and Saturday, June 20, 2020
from 12noon to 6pm

The exhibition will run until Saturday, July 18, 2020
In order to better host you at the gallery, we invite you to schedule
an appointment for your visit. Maximum 5 people at a time will be allowed in the indoor
space, in the meantime the outdoor garden will function as a waiting area.
We are looking forward to receiving you.


Wissam Melhem

Wissam Melhem is an architect, landscape designer, and an emerging artist currently exploring different contemporary themes through the processes of sketching and painting. Wissam holds a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and a Master of Arts in Landscape Urbanism from Notre Dame University in Beirut. He is an experienced architect and educator, working for over 10 years as Senior Architect at Nadim Karam and Hapsitus Architects in Beirut. 

He is currently a full time lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Design at NDU and a part time lecturer at the Landscape Architecture department at the American University of Beirut. 


"Emancipation (2019 – 2020)"

In his series ‘Emancipation (2019 – 2020)’ Wissam examines the many individual and collective experiences in contemporary Lebanon. Out of a study of prevalent social and cultural memes that recur, ‘Emancipation’ presents archetypes of hope, resilience and resurgence of the contemporary Lebanese citizen. The symbol of the crown, to name one of many, illustrates the nature of the relations between the ruling class and the people. Other archetypes includes representations of the city of Beirut.

Wissam’s work is thought-provoking and intense; in his paintings he communicates messages. Accompanied by the gestural freedoms and experimentations of an emerging artist, Wissam’s works present strong visual compositions and impressive elements. The results are paintings that impact the viewer both intellectually and emotionally.

LieuArt on 56th

AdresseGemmayzé, rue principaleGéolocalisation

Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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