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Visites Guidées

04/03/2023 à 10:30

Cultural Guided Tour at Beit Beirut including the Allo Beirut Exhibition Organized by I Have Learned Academy & guided by Mona Hallak

A guided cultural tour with expert Mona Hallak about:

  • Beit Beirut as a building and the history behind it
  • Allo Beirut Historical Exhibition

The tour is about the history of the Barakat building as an architectural masterpiece before the war. The history of how it was abused as killing machine during the war exactly because of its ingenious architecture that allows visual transparency and the way it was an icon of fighting against amnesia and a memory for the preservation of our collective identity and collective memory in the city in the fight, and how it was preserved as museum of the war for the memory of the city.

At the end we will go through Allo Beirut which is the latest exhibition in the building that talks about the history of Beirut during the 60s based on an archive found at the "excelsus "hotel Cave des Rois" by "Delphine d'Armensi "the director and the creator of the project & produced by "the AUB Neighborhood "initiative to open Beit Beirut for all the people for a year.

The tour is organized by I Have Learned Academy & guided by Mona Hallak

Mona El Hallak is a Beirut-based architect and heritage preservation activist, a graduate of the American University of Beirut (AUB) and Syracuse University – Florence Program. She founded her own architectural design studio in 2001 and has over 20 built projects in Lebanon. In 2017, she joined AUB as the director of the Neighborhood Initiative (AUBNI), whose aim is to promote the neighborhood of Ras Beirut’s livability, vitality, and diversity, and to encourage critical citizenship among the AUB community through innovative outreach activities and multidisciplinary research. She has coordinated and implemented several urban interventions and projects to address social and environmental issues, activate public space and engage the community in reclaiming their neighborhood, bringing together community leaders, designers, artists, NGOs, public and private institutions. She led several heritage preservation campaigns and succeeded in the preservation of the Barakat Building - now Beit Beirut, a museum of memory and a cultural and urban center. She is an active member of APSAD (Association pour la Protection des Sites et Anciens Demeures au Liban) and ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites), a founding member of IRAB for the preservation of the Arab world’s musical archives; and of ZAKIRA for the promotion of photography and its role in documenting and preserving memory. In 2013, she was given the Ordre National du Mérite au grade de Chevalier from the President of the French Republic, in recognition of her achievements in preserving the architectural and cultural heritage of Beirut.


Booking information

Investment is only 10$

Booking is a must, places are limited:

For further questions, you can send us a WhatsApp message on +961.3.614493 or email

Payment in LBP is possible through money transfer, contact us on WhatsApp or email

Booking ahead is a must, places are limited.

LieuBeit Beirut

AdresseBeirut, Museum and Urban Cultural CenterGéolocalisation



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