Call for comics
LivreDu 05/07/2022 à 00:00 jusqu'au 24/07/2022 à 00:00
Our beloved open call magazine is turning #18 and we would like it if you join us on this special issue!
We invite you to send us your comic, don’t hesitate to submit any kind of narrative form you wish to experiment with.
We are open to all languages, with a special thirst for arabic
- 16.5 x 23.5 cm (In case of full page images please add 5mm of bleed)
- Grayscale
- 300 dpi minimum
- From 1 to 15 pages combined in one PDF
- Illustrator/writer teams are welcome
Send us your stories to “” before July 24 2022 with “Submission#18_name(s)” as the email title.