Musique19/07/2023 à 20:30
Cénacle De La Lumière - "CDLL", together with 8e Art Entertainment, proudly present the 2023 concert “BEYOND”, a tribute concert to the artists who struggled with addiction and mental distress at La Salle Des Ambassadeurs - Casino du Liban.
A concert performed by 8e Art Entertainment to pay tribute to Music Icons like Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bob Marley...
Tickets price:
$120 - $100 - $75 - $40 - $30
CDLL is a non-profit organization founded in 2006 that works in the field of community development and youth prevention as well as treatment for people living with mental health conditions and addictions. In our “Youth Cap” community centers in Beirut and Halat, we offer integrated social services for children, adolescents, young adults, and caregivers.
8e Art:
A group of talented musicians, passionate about real music and eager to show the world what Lebanese talents are capable of.
Based in Lebanon, they represent the highest standard of live musical entertainment available today.
Tickets on sale at Virgin Ticketing