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Beirut Art Film Festival : Leonardo, the Man who Saved Science

Conférences / Films

28/01/2020 à 17:00

Durée : 52 min
Directeur : Mark Daniels
Langue : Anglais ou français, ST arabe


Leonardo Da Vinci was an extraordinary artist and inventor. But researchers have discovered, in ancient manuscripts, drawings and treatises that prefigure many of his inventions and trace back to classical Greece, the Arab Empire and even ancient China. Coincidence or plagiarism?  This is the story of the making of a scientist, how Leonardo Da Vinci sought out technical and scientific knowledge lost to Europe in the Dark Ages and helped launch a new scientific age.

LieuUSJ, Théâtre Béryte

AdresseCampus des sciences humaines Rue de DamasGéolocalisation
Téléphone+9611611 642

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