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15/03/2023 à 18:00

Art and culture are not immune to digital transformation. The health crisis has accelerated this phenomenon. Digital technologies are transforming the production, exhibition and dissemination of art.   

The purpose of this conversation is to address new opportunities for artistic experimentation. The challenge is to get around a theme without a body. What are the complementary opportunities to traditional formats? How to understand the current and future challenges of digital technology in art? 

Preceded by a guided tour at 5PM at Dar El Nimer


Tatiana Skaff is a communication specialist, expert in media and digital public relations in the MENA region and collaborating in Digital Content - MBC GROUP.  
Georges Haddad is an investment professional specializing in crypto-assets and co-founder of the startup VaultKi.


Depuis 1994, l’Agenda Culturel est la source d’information culturelle au Liban.

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