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Effect of Transcendental meditation on PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)


23/10/2021 à 15:00

The European Union has financed the programme of Transcendental Meditation (TM) in over 30 schools of disadvantaged children in Europe.


All over the world Transcendental Meditation has been used to successfully deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans, ex convicts, abused children and women.


TM is an easy, simple, effortless scientifically validated mental technique. 

With the support of the NGO “Humans without Borders “, “The Middle East Foundation for the Science of Creative Intelligence“( MEFSCI) invites you to a presentation on the effect of TM on the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and its benefits on all levels of life.


The Davidlynch Foundation and MEFSCI offer to teach TM to all those affected by the Blast of August 4, 2020.


Programme of the conférence : *Effect of Transcendental meditation on PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)*


3h Pm : Opening – by Susan HAMZA, Director of Ladies Foundation for Pure Knowledge in Lebanon.

 Guests’ introduction-via zoom.


3h10 : Part 1 – The lecturers:

•  Tony NADER, M.D., Ph.D. in neuroscience, MARR, head of the international Transcendental Meditation organization.

• Rob ROTH, CEO of the David Lunch foundation

• David SHAPIRO , American poet, literary critic, and art historian.


 Part 2 – 

• Two TM teachers

• Testimonials, how TM can change a life.


Register on 03-223800

Places limited


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